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Paper Education Center
This webpage has been created to answer the most common questions about the paper types we offer.
The Three Main Types Are:
  • Laser Gloss
    Laser Gloss paper is a Coated 2 Sides (C2S) Gloss Sheet that offers high resolution output in both Full Color and Monochrome. This paper is very difficult to write on with pens so it is NOT suggested for Forms or Paperwork. If you are looking for the "Magazine" feel, this is the paper for you.
  • Laser Silk
    Laser Silk paper is a Coated 2 Sides (C2S) in a Silk (aka Dull) finish. This sheet still offers high resolution output while appearing very matte with no shine. This sheet can be written on by most pens without much difficulty while protecting the resolution of the finished piece.
  • Smooth Bond
    The Smooth Bond papers are uncoated sheets that have a very smooth surface. The plus to this family of papers is the ease of writing making it an excellent choice for forms and paperwork that may need to be filled in. The negative to being uncoated is the texture of the fibers causes some loss of resolution in graphics.
Paper Type: Paper Color: Description:
House Laser Gloss 70# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Opaque 70# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 0%
Brightness: 96
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: Y
House Laser Gloss 80# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Laser Matte 80# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Opaque 80# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 0%
Brightness: 96
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: Y
House Laser Gloss 100# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Laser Matte 100# TEXT White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Laser Gloss 80# COVER White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Laser Matte 80# COVER White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Laser Gloss 100# COVER White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Laser Matte 100# COVER White
Percent Recycled: 10%
Brightness: 91
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
Mohawk Via Linen 110# COVER White
Percent Recycled: 0%
Brightness: 94
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: Y
Made In USA: Y
House Gloss 14# POINT White
Percent Recycled: 0%
Brightness: 90
FSC Certified: N
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N
House Gloss 24# POINT White
Percent Recycled: 0%
Brightness: 92
FSC Certified: Y
Manufactured with WindPower: N
Made In USA: N